heat and light

Doug Henwood dhenwood at panix.com
Sun Jan 10 18:46:10 PST 1999

I'm getting offlist mail from someone who threatens to "create a scene" unless I do something drastic to Carrol Cox for his slur against Rakesh. Carrol regrets only the tone of his comment, not its substance, and is silent on what the phrase "politically white" means.

This all pisses me off immensely. Apparently a group of leftists of various sorts, all committed in some fundamental sense to a nonracist, nonexploitative society, find it impossible to have a serious discussion without escalating to nuclear level. It's no wonder we're so weak: the model of war, as Foucault put it in the passage I posted here a few weeks ago, seems to be applied first to people who should be comrades. Apparently my founding wish of this list, that people engage across traditional boundaries, was hopelessly naive. Boundaries are so comforting, especially when you're losing.


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