Ode to Whiteness

Chuck Grimes cgrimes at tsoft.com
Tue Jan 12 00:09:24 PST 1999

It seems to me much more productive to attack the real sources of power than the random suburbanites; it seems like a better strategy to attack and destroy racism at its source rather than attack the people who live (albeit, ignorantly) under its yolk. Maybe I am being overly simplistic, or maybe I am defensive about my white-boy suburban roots, but in my opinion it is too easy and not at all productive to criticize suburbia while not addressing the actual power structure.

eric beck -------------

It will not do to complain that we never knew and were only following orders, you know. Toni Morrison wanted us to cough it up, so I did. I painted out a picture of how you get from the suburbs of Los Angeles to Schlachthaus funf.

As for power, supposedly, it depends on the consent of the governed. Which means, it depends on the marketing of excuses so that our good folk can follow the scripts and then sleep soundly pretending they had nothing to do with it.

Chuck Grimes

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