Penguins, virgins, tortillas (Re: The anthropic principle & Rakesh)

Frances Bolton (PHI) fbolton at
Sat Jan 16 15:50:08 PST 1999

On Sat, 16 Jan 1999, Dennis R Redmond wrote:

Since I worship penguins, I've converted to dialectical
> penguinism, myself.

Penguins, huh? Today I was in Clearwater, FL, with LBO's very own Kelley, and we saw a bunch of people worshipping a bank building. Seriously! They see an image of the Virgin Mary on the building. The building is now owned by a church, no longer a bank. There is a 20 foot crucifix, and all these cheap white plastic lawn chairs set up in the parking lot, so people can sit there and contemplate the Mother of the Son of God. And there were actually people sitting there, staring at the side of the building.

I did not see the Blessed Virgin. Apparently my soul is insufficently pure. In Santa Fe, NM, I once saw a sacred tortilla. It supposedly had an image of the Son of Man on it. I found the tortilla more compelling than the bank building, but it still didn't really do it for me. I'm holding out for burning, talking, shrubbery.


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