Weimar Russia and the Cat in the Hat

Paul Henry Rosenberg rad at gte.net
Mon Jan 18 07:40:53 PST 1999

Brad De Long wrote:
> >
> >But who wants that? "We" spent $4 trillion to destroy and humiliate the
> >USSR; the last 10 years have been an episode of riotous celebration of
> >"our" success.
> >
> >Doug
> Anyone who remembers the history of the 1920s, 1930s, 1940s?
> Humiliating the political elites and the peoples of ex-superpowers is "not
> a good game," as the cat in the hat might say...

Those in power who refuse to learn from history doom the rest of us to repeat it.

-- Paul Rosenberg Reason and Democracy rad at gte.net

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