Fecund Homos? (was Re: butler... dispossession)

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at osu.edu
Mon Jan 18 17:42:18 PST 1999

Chuck Grimes wrote (among other things):
>So the new evil empire, the dark and the flesh, the mass of
>humanity conspires to dispossess the purity of whiteness, through blood,
>and bone, and cum, and placental slime, through land and earth--all
>the stuff of life itself, conspires against the crystalline purity of
>our master race. How can they ever hope or dream of escaping the
>fecundity and mire of all that?

While I nod in deep agreement that master race fantasies include homophobia, I think that fear of becoming swallowed by the fecund dark masses has a bit more oblique connection to homophobia than Chuck's post suggests.

Isn't homophobia related to a fear of "race suicide," that is, a fear of not being fecund enough? If so, within master race fantasies, queers may not be so squarely located at the heart of the great dark continent of the (re)producers. Homophobia must have something to do with a displacement of the master race anxieties of not producing enough children onto a renegade subsection of the "white race."


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