More on race

Rakesh Bhandari bhandari at phoenix.Princeton.EDU
Sun Jan 24 00:32:22 PST 1999

There is a most stimulating debate between Herbert Hill and Nelson Lichtenstein in the recent New Politics over the racism of the UAW under Reuther's leadership. The nature of the union movement in post war WWII world is put up for question.

On Farrakhan, there is a great collection of essays by Amy Alexander, ed. The Farrakhan Factor: African American Writers on Leadership, Nationhood, and Minister Louis Farrakhan. Grove Press, 1998.

I will have to quote Henry Louis Gates, Jr:

"Farrakhan is a man of unhealthy fixations, but the reciprocal fixation on Farrakhan that you find in the so called mainstream is a sign of our impoverished political culture. Thirteen decades have passed since Emancipation, and half of our black men between twenty four and thirty five are without full time employment. One black man graduates for every one hundred who go to jail. ALmost of black children live in poverty. People say that Farrakhan is now the leading voice of black rage in America. One day, America will realize it got off easy."


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