More on race

Max Sawicky sawicky at
Sun Jan 24 21:07:33 PST 1999

> I will have to quote Henry Louis Gates, Jr:
> "Farrakhan is a man of unhealthy fixations, but the reciprocal fixation on
> Farrakhan that you find in the so called mainstream is a sign of our
> impoverished political culture. Thirteen decades have passed since
> Emancipation, and half of our black men between twenty four and
> thirty five
> are without full time employment. One black man graduates for every one
> hundred who go to jail. ALmost of black children live in poverty. People
> say that Farrakhan is now the leading voice of black rage in America. One
> day, America will realize it got off easy."

Gates badly needs to spend a little time looking into the Stat Abstract, or better the State of Working America.


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