That Obscure Object of Discipline (was lingua franca on "stars" in academia)

William S. Lear rael at
Mon Jan 25 19:19:36 PST 1999

On Mon, January 25, 1999 at 17:39:20 (-0500) Doug Henwood writes:
>I was just reading the Pew Center for People & the Press's latest
>examination of the American mind. Some rResults from a poll taken Jan 14-17:
>"Please tell me whether you are satisfied or dissatisfied, on the whole,
>with the following aspects of your life:"
>"your standard of living"
> very satisfied 45%
> somewhat satisfied 38
> somewhat dissatisfied 12
> very dissatisfied 4
>"your job - the kind of work you do"
> very satisfied 45%
> somewhat satisfied 25
> somewhat dissatisfied 5
> very dissatisfied 4
> doesn't apply 20
>A happy people in a happy world?

Hmm, or a frightened people putting on a happy face? Times are "good" and the memory of bad times looms large. I'd say this is like saying you are "satisfied" on a a tightrope 400 feet above the cement --- satisfied you aren't plummeting earthward.


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