Specters of the 'Middle Class' (was That Obscure Object.

Bill Cochrane billc at waikato.ac.nz
Wed Jan 27 14:13:04 PST 1999

G'dday I'm glad to see the vexed issue of class has stuck its head up. Have any of the discussants actually tried to operationalize class models ? i.e. like gone out and mucked around with survey/census data to create a class map. I ask for the amazingly shallow reason that I'm about to launch into just such an exercise (as I don't have a social life) using some kind of approximation to Wright's first or second class model. If that proves doable I'll transpose lots of attitudinal data on to the class map to spot any patterns and assess the relative strength of ethnic/gender effects. What I wanted to know was can any body think of anyone else, other than Wright, who has done anything like this in the last, say, five years and what happend to Wright at any rate? cheers Bill Cochrane

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