Arrighi on Balkan war

Carl Remick cremick at
Wed Jul 14 13:59:57 PDT 1999

> In conclusion, the foundations of the present resurgence of US global
> power are not as solid as they seem.

But solid enough, I'm afraid. We'll continue to see a lot of throw-weight deployed around the globe before *this* particular hegemon turns to "two vast and trunkless legs of stone ... in the desert."

> Already in the 1990's, the good performance of
> the US economy and the underlying speculative boom on Wall Street
> have been thoroughly dependent on East Asian money and cheap
> commodities. While the money, in the form of investments and lending,
> has enabled the US economy to keep expanding in spite of a large and
> growing trade deficit, the cheap commodities have contributed to
> keeping inflationary pressures down in spite of economic expansion.
> It is not clear for how long a situation like this can be sustained,
> or how it can be remedied by the United States without bringing its
> own economic expansion to an end.

As always, the $64 trillion question.


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