Women soccer goalie

Fabian Balardini balardini at angelfire.com
Wed Jul 14 14:18:25 PDT 1999


On Wed, 14 Jul 1999 13:12:37 Enrique Diaz-Alvarez wrote:

Scurry is singlehandedly responsible for the US victory,
>which came on the back of a mediocre semifinal and awful final game by
>the (white) forwards that are getting all the attention. In spite of
>that, she has received very little attention, and during the medal
>ceremony, while she was receiving hers, ABC cameras switched to yet
>another shot of Hamm.

Enrique, I was also disgusted by how the racist and stupid american media treated Scurry. At first I naively thought it was part of their complete ignorance of the game and their insistence in making stars of teen-idol-type-looking players, like the horrible Lalas, so that Nike can cash big bucks. But all this is of course driven by the usual racist attitudes of this fucked up culture. Anybody who either grew up in little town USA or who has gone to college away from the city, will agree that soccer in the US is basically a white girl/boy sport, so Scurry doesn't fit the image of the typical soccer customer, white faces are the ones getting the cameras. Ironically, in the rest of the world soccer is a sport, like basketball and boxing, that is increasingly dominated by brown people even when they are French. Saludos, Fabian

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