discussion on working class, etc.

Eric Beck rayrena at accesshub.net
Wed Jul 28 14:34:26 PDT 1999

>I think class analysis is a waste of time. In general class depends on
>income and wealth and the amount of income generated by wealth---everything
>else associated with the definition of class is to put it kindly,
>anecdotal. Or to put it bluntly, bullshit.

Tom, this is crazy talk. Our society's complete inability to talk about or even recognize class is one of the the ruling class's greatest victories. Without discussions of class, my failing to attain the wealth of Bill Gates is a personal failing; it's an excuse to blame people for society's lack of equal opportunities and to perpetuate the myth that anyone can achieve great wealth.

And class does not depend only on income or wealth. There are a whole host of factors that constitute class, including but not limited to power, status, and prestige. For instance, a college professor is definitely of a "higher" class than an auto worker, but it is quite possible (even probable, in these days) that the auto worker makes more money. Being aware of and figuring out these things is crucial to understanding capitalist society. It would of course be ideal if society were so perfect that it was unnecessary to define class. But at this point it isn't.


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