US Loses its Secret Weapon against the FARC

jmage at jmage at
Thu Jul 29 09:36:05 PDT 1999

The Stratfor report posted by Michael Pollak followed - as was made clear in the body of the piece - on the exposure of the operation by a Colombian newspaper, & also incidentally on its being picked up by (at least) AFP:

Downed US plane was on spy mission: newspaper Colombia A US military plane that crashed in southern Colombia last week was engaged in "massive espionage" to support government efforts to root out Marxist guerrillas, the daily El Espectador reported Tuesday. - Jul 28 12:03 AM SGT

The official line was also set out, which the cynical Stratfor folks rightly dismissed as crap for the gullible:

Top US official suggests international force monitor rebel stronghold Colombia US drug czar Barry McCaffrey , stating the "linkages are clear" between drug traffickers and guerrilla groups, on Monday suggested an international force monitor alleged human rights abuses in a rebel stronghold here. - Jul 27 10:22 AM SGT

It will now be interesting to see which human rights organizations and spokespeople are mobilized for this new humanitarian terror operation. My own guess is that a substantial role will be played by "even-handed" blaming of both contras (in Colombia truly hideous monsters, and as the Stratfor report confirmed with reference to the chiefest of these monsters - "paramilitary leader Carlos Castano" - under the protection of the US) and their victims and revolutionaries & by similarly "even-handed" denunciations of "violence." While this new human rights operation is guaranteed to be stomach turning, at least it will be limited to the US & we will with any luck be spared their euro - (human rights/humanitarian) -lickspittles.

Was Dick Grasso's bizarre visit to the FARC carrot to the airwar stick? Perhaps he offered to list them after their IPO? The symbol FRC is available, and they would have to give up the "armed" part of their name anyway.

john mage

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