High Rolling in Detroit

Carl Remick cremick at rlmnet.com
Thu Jul 29 09:23:50 PDT 1999

> I guess a comparison with gambling would be the purchase of
> alcohol or drugs. The happy moments and relief are an
> illusion in a sense. But that doesn't make them not happy
> moments or a relief from day-to-day alienation and blues....
> As Marx said, the source of use values may be the stomach or
> FANCY. The use value of gambling is rooted in fancy, but
> different people fancy different things.
> So, I would critique casino capitalists just as I critique
> all capitalists, say health care capitalists, no better , no worse.

Very cogently put, Charles. I still have a nagging suspicion that gambling as a *growth industry* signals something askew with this country that isn't expressed by other forms of capitalist exploitation, but I clearly have to think more about this subject.


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