> Kemp's anti-austerity is limited to the tax side,
> without any reference to distribution.
Jackass is not only referring to but championing upward redistribution of income through tax reform. Right, Max?
Anyways, in order to counter growing govt debt--as well as other great disruptions-- I think Jack the natalist will propose that condoms and the birth control bill be taxed just like cigarettes. Even if Bob convinces him to subsidize Viagra, it's not like he'll call for the the govt to pay for abortions--so the debt should remain manageable (well Kemp may have to quote Gilder again since the so called underclass, unemployed, single mothers, injured workers, indigent elderly will have to be kicked in the groin a bit more to make that debt manageable). Plus, the tax cut will come just in time to compensate for declining foreign capital inflows; the biggest gambling house in the world should thus remain open for the rentier class. All that talk about high tech investment through tax cuts is just so much bs; it's all about allowing the already rich to be even richer so that the odds in that collosal casino will be stacked even more heavily in their favor.
yours, rakesh