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James L Westrich II westrich at
Wed Jun 2 05:23:30 PDT 1999

>At 17:14 01/06/99 -0400, Max wrote:

>thread title RE: Civilian targets "legitimate"

>> C. Burford said:
>>> The Serbs report that in addition to the 30 civilian deaths on
>>there has been an attack on an apartment block in the south of
>>Serbia. They
>>say the deaths total 50 in the last two days. >
>>There is also the report that NATO bombed a bridge in the middle
>>of 'market day,' then five or fifteen minutes later, when people
>>were trying to assist victims of the bombing, they dropped
>>another one in the same place. Textbook terrorist tactics.
>>I'm ready to get off this bus. I see no movement towards efforts
>>to protect Kosovars or their interests by Nato. In light of this
>>deficiency, we've only got what amount to serial atrocities by

>A little while again Angela raised the question of whether discussion lists
>really are discussion lists under the thread title above.

>While I do not agree entirely with Max's approach, I suggest this shift of
>position by him is not solely the result of unfolding events which we are
>all reacting to, but is a vindication of the uncensored policies of
>moderators like Doug and Rob. I am contrasting that with stances taken at
>least at one time by Mark and Louis P on their lists, although Mark has had
>a change of heart.

> The effect of the latter was actually to restrict the ability of the
>majority of posters to challenge and test the opinion of those they
>perceived as supporters of NATO.

>I suggest that Doug and Rob have shown themselves no less opposed to this
>war by NATO than Louis and Mark, but IMO, and of course I am biassed, I
>consider they also gave a wider consideration to the broad aims of their
>lists as written down. That has enabled all of us to learn.

>All told, considering the gravity of the events and their topical nature, I
>think the wider marxism-space could have done a lot worse. The challenges
>that have been made have for the most part not been primarily personal. We
>have not found how to integrate a principled position with actually
>changing practice, but we have got nearer the process.

>Chris Burford



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