ERROR: Account closed.

James L Westrich II westrich at
Wed Jun 2 05:28:36 PDT 1999

>> At 12:48 PM 6/1/99 -0400, Max Sawicky wrote:
>> >would not fall under the scope of my statement. Real
>Communist cadre groups are a whole different matter. The plain
>fact is that if you are in such a group, bullshit is one of the
>daily dietary requirements, and adherence to principle is
>carefully rationed. This has nothing to do with academics or >
>> Max, and how exactly do Communist cadres differ from, say,
>Democrat cadres
>or Repug cadres, Social Democrat cadres or for that matter, any
>bourgeois or crypto-bourgeois political party in this respect? >

>Dem/Repug cadres -- equal bullshit
>Social dem/progressive cadres -- less bullshit
>Clinton Administration -- incredible bullshit.
>Academics, think-tank workers, and lawyers -- generalizations are

>One reason for the finding of bullshit re: communist cadres is my
>higher expectations and standards of and for them. Sort of like
>people criticizing Israel for not being a light unto the nations,
>and similarly unfair, if I meant to single them out (I didn't).

>My post was not a survey of political formations, but a comment
>on LBO and the Doug & Louie show.

>And I ain't bullshittin' you,


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