Henry, add to it the whole Holocaust debate in the US, whereas the 'rape of Nanking" and similar Japanese attrocities in China (which reportedly were disapproved even by Hitler) get barely mentioned. What makes the difference is the ethnicity of the victims - somehow, dark-skin people appear to be less victims than pink-skin people to most Americans and, I presume, Brits (see Geeorge Orwell's essay _Marrakech_ on that), even on the "lefty" listservs. Likewise, the nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is not justified in the same manner as carpet-bombing of Dresden. The former was to save "American lives" whereas the latter to "avenge the Holocaust." Even, or perhaps expectedly, it did not occur to an average US-er, liberal or otherwise, that the massacre of dark-skin people is the cause worthy avenging, let alone in a way that may put US reputation at risk.
Of course the same discourse continues to this day - explusions of mostly white Kosovars amount to the second Hitler that warrants a military response, whereas killing a million or so blacks in Rwanda is only a " regrettable tragedy."
PS. I am not white, I am Eastern European.