Left and Right converge on Economic Nationalism

Chris Burford cburford at gn.apc.org
Mon Jun 21 23:45:49 PDT 1999

At 11:23 20/06/99 -0400, you wrote:
>While the fundamental conflict between the global radical left and the
>American extremely right has not blurred, there seems to be increasing
>convengence in tactics. Economic nationalism is embraced by politicians
>of opposing ideology all over the world.

Having attended a good debate about Britain and the euro on Sunday, I agree. We need some trancending perspective that recognises the contradictions may play out with different results in different contexts, and lead to uncomfortable alliances.

I suggest key marxist concepts include the intensified uneven accumulation of capital on a world scale.

(This also occurs regionally and presents major problems for large supra-national markets. - see the article about Italy wavering on the Euro for example.)

I also suggest that the private ownership of land, which marxists greatly ignore, has become increasingly relevant with the intensified threat to the environment and the massive migration from country to city, from less developed to more developed areas regionally and globally.

We must demand global reforms, but would-be marxists have a fetish against global reforms because, a) they think it is reformist, b) they cannot get their head round the detail without losing perspective. I have suggested two key perspectives.

Chris Burford


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