NATO Bomb Kills Two Peacekeepers

kelley d-m-c at
Tue Jun 22 15:36:50 PDT 1999

the point is that no monolithic singular universal race called "whites" all of a sudden appeared on the scene. it took several centuries to reach the point we are at today. that's not to deny white global hegemony but to point out that, for example, even on the center/periphery model of geo-politics, the center contains it's own periphery which marks the boundary and plays an important role in keeping everyone in line.

also, the point was not to play "i'm more oppressed than thou" as kirsten noted.

it's a waste of time.

yes, i agree that it's important to remind people, especially since everyone thinks that asians had it pretty easy and are the "model minority," that chinese americans were consistently banned from schools and subjected to slave-like labor conditions, among other things.

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