NATO Bomb Kills Two Peacekeepers

kirsten neilsen kirsten at
Tue Jun 22 17:00:09 PDT 1999

> > Jordan Hayes wrote:
> >
> > >No, Doug, I'm saying I'm sick of Henry's casual use of the term
> > >"Whites" as though there's some cohesive group called "Whites" --

"Henry C.K. Liu" wrote:

> Personalized abuse not welcome - moderator.

how exactly is jordan's statement abusive?

> > Jordan Hayes wrote:

> > >Or do you think it's kewl to characterize "Whites" based on the
> > actions of the railroad barrons?

"Henry C.K. Liu" wrote:

> Yes. It was not deviant behavior. All the white workers thought it > was normal practice. White society condoned it.

everyone? really? did you ask them? come on, henry. that's like saying that all whites thought slavery was ok. but all whites didn't think slavery was ok. there was a strong abolitionist movement in this country. of course you are correct to point out that in all probablility "all whites" did (and still do) benefit from racism. it is certainly a deplorable part of u.s. history and culture.

> There is nothing complicated about race. You look at a person's
> physical characteristics and you categorize and
> behave accordingly.

henry, you've just described a racist. are you that racist?

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