NATO Bomb Kills Two Peacekeepers

Henry C.K. Liu hliu at
Tue Jun 22 18:41:02 PDT 1999

kirsten neilsen wrote:

> > > Jordan Hayes wrote:
> > >
> > > >No, Doug, I'm saying I'm sick of Henry's casual use of the term
> > > >"Whites" as though there's some cohesive group called "Whites" --
> "Henry C.K. Liu" wrote:
> > Personalized abuse not welcome - moderator.
> how exactly is jordan's statement abusive?

I am sick of being challenged on being abused. Besides ask Doug, they were his words as modrator.

> > > Jordan Hayes wrote:
> > > >Or do you think it's kewl to characterize "Whites" based on the
> > > actions of the railroad barrons?
> "Henry C.K. Liu" wrote:
> > Yes. It was not deviant behavior. All the white workers thought it > was normal practice. White society condoned it.
> everyone? really? did you ask them? come on, henry. that's like saying
> that all whites thought slavery was ok. but all whites didn't think
> slavery was ok. there was a strong abolitionist movement in this
> country. of course you are correct to point out that in all probablility
> "all whites" did (and still do) benefit from racism. it is certainly a
> deplorable part of u.s. history and culture.

There is a considerable amount of documentation by Chinese American social scientists on this subject. Non-Chinese worker protects on the treatment of Chinese did not figure prominently in their findings.

> > There is nothing complicated about race. You look at a person's
> > physical characteristics and you categorize and
> > behave accordingly.
> henry, you've just described a racist. are you that racist?

I am controlling myself and not response in kind. I said "you", I did not say " I ". Calling the victim of racism a racist is standard behavior for racists. On what basis do you have the right to ask me publicly whether I am that racist in an accusatory tone? Because while you claim to be shamed by racist treatment of the Chinese, you can't standing me complaing about it? You think that is a thing of the past? The fact that a few self-proclaimed white liberals cite themselves as exceptions, we have to accept the whole thing did not happen? No, I am not THAT racist. I was never given the chance to practise racism on whites. You might as well ask a slave whether he is a capitalist. But if I were a racist, does it make it ok to use Chinese workers as human detonators? Not to repeat myself, go read my posts on: More on Racism. Denial in the face of strong evidence is a good sign racism exists.

Henry C.K. Liu

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