Genetically Modified (GM) Food

Paul Henry Rosenberg rad at
Mon Mar 1 12:39:52 PST 1999

Picciotto, Sol wrote:

> Just a couple of comments on the IPR (intellectual
> property rights) aspects. Though I'm generally sympathetic
> to the arguments of those wanting to try to restrict Monsanto
> from subjecting science to profits, I'm not sure that blocking
> patent protection would help. A requirement of patent protection
> is publication of the specification, so at least it becomes
> public knowledge - the alternative is commercial confidentiality.
> I suspect that Monsanto has a lot more up its scientific sleeve
> than it has publicised.

I'm afraid your understanding is woefully out of date -- and Monsanto & friends like it that way, just fine!

What's happening now is that companies are getting patents to ANY AND ALL transgenic soybeans, for example, based on JUST ONE genetic modification use JUST ONE technique.

The result is that their "property rights" now cover anything that might result for the incredibly vast and varied sum of common knowledge in the field, which used to be completely untouchable by patents.

In the field of software, companies have asserted broad patents that have then been used to claim infringement from ANYONE doing business over the internet. Specific algorithms are being patented. It's now effectively impossible for programs of too large a scale to be written without cross-liscensing agreeements. I could go on and on. (If the first word processor had been written under current patent law practice, NO ONE could write another word processer in any language on any platform. Wang would rule the world. And all the word-processor-specific algorithms [searching, for instance] that are used in spreadsheets, databases, etc. would ALSO be owned by Wang.)

The point is this: the new (rapidly deteriorating) rules are so different that all your old-fashioned ways of assessing trade-offs no longer apply. They must ALL be carefully re-examined against what's actually happening in the real world, not what's been accepted arguments over the past 200 years.

-- Paul Rosenberg Reason and Democracy rad at

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