I never knew this. From today's Molly Ivins column in the Fort-Worth Star-Telegram:
Of course, drug policy in this country has a long history of
tragicomic turns. Back in the early '70s, Texas still had berserker
marijuana laws (first-offense possession of any amount was a
two-to-life felony). I will never forget the jaw-dropped amazement
with which we learned that Nelson Rockefeller, then the governor of
New York, had proposed a similarly draconian law there on the grounds
that "Texas has it, and it works very well."
It worked so badly that it was a rank, open scandal, and the very next
year, the Texas Legislature -- which by no means had any claim to the
progressive credentials for which Rockefeller was noted -- repealed
the thing. Even the Texas Lege could see what a piece of folly that
Complete column at: http://www.startext.net/today/news/columnist/ivins2.htm
__________________________________________________________________________ Michael Pollak................New York City..............mpollak at panix.com