kayak3 kayak3 at
Sat May 1 07:31:33 PDT 1999

EmaChissit at wrote:
> kayak3 at writes:
> > The members of the TM may have somehow been
> > racists to some degree but you seem to be over reacting to a story that
> > sounds very credible. You offer no evidence to back up your claim that
> > this is "virulent racism." Why don't we try to stick to what we can
> > verify as the truth instead of jumping to wild speculation just to make
> > an argument.
> Hi,
> It was a moment of hyperbole, of sarcasm. I posted the story and I think it
> quite credible. The caps were meant to highlight that it was sarcasm. Doug
> had nothing to do with it and was offended by what I'd posted because it was,
> rather subtly, an attack on those who refuse to see the ambiguity and
> slipperiness of racism on the part of whites in this country.
> Emma

I offer my apologies. Even as sarcasm it's as convulted as the arguments saying that jocks were targeted because they accept blacks. So it's sometimes hard to tell when someone is serious or just playing around, especially as tired as I was when I read it.

Brad Hatch

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