>>> "Michael Hoover" <hoov at freenet.tlh.fl.us> 05/09/99 06:33AM >>>
> CB: As the CP leader James Jackson ( who was Young's roommate in the 50's
> when Young was down and out) said, "Lenin said you could build socialism in one
> country, but he never said you could build socialism in one city."
> Coleman Young's autobiography is _Hardstuff_ Viking 1994
> Charles Brown
great quote...
considering that the book's range of topics go beyond Young himself - CP in earlier decades, examples of black radicalism, the '60s - why do you think _Hardstuff_ fails to mention the League of Revolutionary Black Workers even once?...Michael Hoover
CB: To speculate, Young was Old Left. The League was sort of New Left. Also, he really did leave the Left as Mayor.
He was truly a Democrat, pursuing a Black capitalist agenda by the time of his autobio. His last main effort after retiring from Mayor was to put together a bid for a casino ownership.
Wouldn't be correct for me to romanticize him, though it's hard stough.
Charles Brown