Kosovar civilians are now "Human Shields" to NATO

Rkmickey at aol.com Rkmickey at aol.com
Sat May 15 08:27:38 PDT 1999

NATO's military command seems to have let the cat out of the bag--all the talk about avoiding civilian casualties is exposed as hot air.Hell, they don't even call them "civilians," the preferred nomenclature for the bombers is "human shields!" K. Mickey

from http://asia.yahoo.com/headlines/150599/world/926755620-90515080745.newsworld.h tml

BRUSSELS, May 15 (AFP) - NATO on Saturday admitted bombing a Kosovo village where Yugoslavia claimed 79 civilians were killed, but said it was a "legitimate military target". (snip) A spokesman for SHAPE, NATO's military command centre, said: "The possibility of human shields is one that always exists. But we are not on the ground so we have no way of confirming civilian casualties, their number or why they were there in the first place." (snip)

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