suburbanites killing each other again

Catherine Driscoll catherine.driscoll at
Fri May 21 10:23:24 PDT 1999

Wojtek writes

>I think I worded my statement rather carefully to convey my sense of
>emotional detachment. "Not feeling remorse" does NOT mean "condone" "feel
>happy about" or "encourage."
>Why shoud I hold any particular feelings toward people who do their best to
>isolate themselves from social "undesirables" such as myself. Why should I
>fake a sense of solidarity in a society where none exists?

Hmm. Well I would have thought the idea of 'ethics' kind of covered it. Care for, response to, recognition of, others, you know -- those who are not you. Otherwise, you can pretty much do anything and say -- oh well, it's not me.

>Why should I feel concerned about the bombastic news of a few wealthy white
>kids shooting each other, whereas the death of thousands of dark-skinned or
>below-the-poverty-level people in inner cities do not even make the news,
>except perhaps as alarmistic stories of "rising crime" addressed to middle
>class audiences?

So it is about ethics. The significance of injustice and violence in one place does not excuse injustice and violence in another place.

>Nihilism? Perhaps.

No. Just selfish and unethical.

>But it is also an effective survival strategy in the
>world dominated by spin, consumerism, decadent materialism, and political

And that would make it all right, of course. Perhaps even a good thing?


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