sex and gun control

Jordan Hayes jmhayes at
Fri May 21 13:26:36 PDT 1999

From sokol at Fri May 21 13:13:42 1999

At 11:38 AM 5/21/99 -0700, Jordan wrote:

>I beleive that, for instance, a national registration database of

>firearms is such an attempt to undermine -- traditionally, national

>registration is the precusor to confiscation.

Hmm, do you have any empirical evidence to support that?

Nazi Germany & Cambodia stick out as good examples earlier this century; both led to mass confiscation and ultimately genocide. Great Britain & Australia in recent history, too recent to see if it leads to genocide :)

California's assault weapon "registration" will likely lead, shortly, to confiscation.

They already have a national registration database for motor

vehicles, and I am yet to see any signs of massive confiscation

for automobiles.

Who is talking about automobiles? You don't need to take cars away from people in order to pacify them. But you must disarm them in order to control them through tyranny.

methinks, the uncompromising opposition ot any gun regulation

rests, for the most part, in the fact gun in th ethis culture

is a symbol of male ego and sexuality.

Ok, I'm outta here.

guns - which incarnate the idea of ejaculation and bodily

penetration -- are well suited ...

Hey Kelley, what do you think of this guy?


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