Bell Curve globalized?

kelley d-m-c at
Fri May 28 15:15:14 PDT 1999

doug says:

>Kelly, just think how complicated it'd get to model all this stuff. You'd
>have to have all kinds of variables to cover countries, classes, schooling,
>the media environment, extended family structures. Why just the basic
>equation would go on for pages, and there'd be no room left for analysis!

yeah, well i'm one of those nitwit sociologists who does ethnographic research-- one of those folks these wankers look down their noses at cause we don't produce scientific research. well hooly dooly but even *I* was taught that you're supposed to devote some space to at least making some attempt to explain why your model excludes certain variables because it's too complicated to model. but this guy doesn't even bother because no one is even going to notice. it'll zip right under their feet. pathetic, too, because i *know* that they've been critiqued up and down for this kind of crap.

i heart joe stiglitz too. i had to teach him for two years; scarred me for life it did.

kelley ok promise not to post next week

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