it's the Science vs. Ideology show

Charles Brown CharlesB at
Mon Nov 1 07:48:37 PST 1999

>>> "rc-am" <rcollins at> 11/01/99 09:29AM >>>
> Charles: What means "absolute integrity" ? Is this a mathematical concept

freakin' hope not. whatever you do, please don't mention it to sokal, else he'll haul me up before the tribunal of reason on a charge of disturbing the demarcations. i swear, i never do mathematics, not even sums, officer. [wimper]


Charles: Is it a philosophical concept ? What's relative integrity ? Has he no dialectic of absolute and relative truth ? And what of the relationship between thought and being ?

Angela: does anyone know: when did mathematics and philosophy split, btw?


Charles: Were Archimedes and Euclid philosophers ?


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