antisemitism and populism

Peter Kilander peterk at
Sun Nov 14 21:09:19 PST 1999


>"Did Jefferson dream that in 100 years or less >his< party would be
>prostituted to the vilest purposes of monopoly; that red-eyed Jewish
>millionaires would be chiefs of that Party, and that the liberty and
>prosperity of the country would be..constantly and corruptly sacrificed
>to Plutocratic greed in the name of Jeffersonian Democracy?"
>--Tom Watson, l892, from the People's Party Campaign Book,quoted in
>Kazin, The Populist Persuasion, p.10.

During the Asian crisis, I recollect the Muslim premier of Malaysia blaming the financial troubles of his country on Jewish international bankers, or was it Jewish speculators? Does Asian antisemitism have its root in European antisemitism and/or does it have something to do with Israel?

Indonesia now has a moderate muslim leader in Wahid. This seems to be another variant on the Jihad vs. McWorld theme.

Peter K.

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