>> Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 09:15:59 -0500
>> From: Katha Pollitt <kpollitt at thenation.com>
>> An Ad for the upcoming "women's cable channel," Oxygen, cites "No Back
>this would be the for-profit 'oxygen media' that the markle
>foundation (run by former clinto AG-nominee zoe baird) gave
>money to.
>back hair, eh?
I've seen a few of the other 'Oxygen' commercials, and here's some other reasons its good to be a woman:
1) when its raining and your tire is flat, your man will change the tire while you stay in the car, snug and dry.
2) when you have a baby, it will naturally prefer you over your husband.
feminism, eh?
----------------------------------------------------------------------- David Jennings SSS II | Agri-Services Labs CAES, UGA | (706) 542-5350 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "It was like masters and children. You didn't want to cross the man who provided your bread and butter." - a Kannapolis NC textile worker