David Noebel fan club

Chip Berlet cberlet at igc.org
Wed Nov 24 09:39:55 PST 1999


For that handful that was fascinated by the fact that former Billy James Hargis aide David Noebel was still alive.

Selected bibliography

David A. Noebel, Understanding the Times: The Story of the Biblical Christian, Marxist/Leninist and Secular Humanist Worldviews, (Manitou Springs, CO: Summit Ministries Press, 1992).

David A. Noebel, The Legacy of John Lennon: Charming or Harming a Generation? (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1982).

David A. Noebel, The Homosexual Revolution, (Tulsa: American Christian College Press, 1977).

David A. Noebel, Marxist Minstrels: A Handbook on Communist Subversion of Music, (Tulsa, Oklahoma: American Christian College Press, 1974).

David A. Noebel, Rhythm, Riots and Revolution, (Tulsa, OK: Christian Crusade Publications, 1966).

David A. Noebel, Communism, Hypnotism and the Beatles, (Tulsa, Oklahoma: Christian Crusade Publications, 1965).

Some snippets from various monographs:

For many conspiracy-minded Christians, communism was but one manifestation of Satan's age-old, one-world conspiracy. They argue that if the ultimate villainous agent of control is Satan, the ideologies promoted by demonic agents can easily shift from Godless communism to secular humanism, and from global communism to a new world order. The collapse of communism in Europe allowed a shift in focus to other aspects of the alleged conspiracy--the collectivism and statism promoted by liberalism and secular humanism. As mentioned earlier, more secular hard right groups had long contended that behind Moscow Bolshevism and Wall Street capitalism were the same shadowy secret elites with their traitorous allies in Washington. Removing Soviet communists from the alleged secret team still leaves other dangerous players in the field.

Conspiracism in the Christian Right often is overlooked by the mainstream media, despite the prominence of those who promote it. Prior to the 1998 elections, Dr. James Dobson led a well-publicized campaign to pull the Republican Party into alignment with Christian Right moral principles. Dobson and his colleague Gary Bauer co-authored Children at Risk: The Battle for the Hearts and Minds of Our Kids, which sees an escalating civil war with the forces of Godless secular humanism. Dobson praises Noebel's Summit Ministries, especially its youth training seminars and its high school curriculum that immerse students in apocalyptic conspiracist theories about the secular humanist menace.

Dobson's endorsement of Summit is significant because it illustrates how some of the more doctrinaire leaders of the Christian Right are comfortable with Old Right conspiracism.

Summit Ministries has a longstanding relationship with the conspiracist John Birch Society, placing large ads in the John Birch Society's publications over many years. In at least one instance, in 1983, Summit Ministries appears to have served as a conduit for tax-exempt donations for the JBS.

Noebel recently absorbed the newsletter of Fred Schwarz' hard right Christian Anti-Communism Crusade.

In 1991 David A. Noebel of Summit Ministries, an ultra-conservative Christian training center located outside Colorado Springs, Colorado wrote the 900 page Understanding the Times textbook used in 850 Christian schools enrolling a total of over 15,000 students. The book argues that secular humanism has replaced communism as the major anti-Christian philosophy.

>From Chip Berlet and Margaret Quigley, "Theocracy & White Supremacy," in Eye
's Right! Challenging the Right Wing Backlash, Chip Berlet, ed., (Boston, South End Press, 1995).

In 1966, David Noebel (then of Billy James Hargis' Christian Crusade, now head of the influential Summit Ministries) argued, "Anyone who will dig into the facts of the Communist involvement in the 'civil rights' strife will come to the conclusion that these forces have no stopping point short of complete destruction of the American way of life." (In the preface, Noebel thanks Dr. R. P. Oliver, who is now perhaps best known as a director of the Institute for Historical Review, which denies that the Holocaust took place.)

The identification of sexual licentiousness and "primitive" music with subversion and people of color is an essential part of the secular humanist conspiracy theory, and one that has been remarkably consistent over time. The current attacks on rap music take place within this context.

In 1966, David Noebel argued that the communist conspiracy ("the most cunning, diabolical conspiracy in the annals of human history") was using rock music, with its savage, tribal, orgiastic beat, to destroy "our youths' ability to relax, reflect, study and meditate" and to prepare them "for riot, civil disobedience and revolution." Twenty years later, these views were repeated practically verbatim by Allan Bloom, who wrote that rock music, with its "barbaric appeal to sexual desire," "ruins the imagination of young people and makes it very difficult for them to have a passionate relationship to the arts and thought that are the substance of liberal education."

The hard right's attack on multiculturalism derives its strength from the right's absolutism, as well as from its White racial nationalism. Samuel Blumenfeld was among the first to attack multiculturalism as a new form of secular humanism's values relativism, writing in 1986 that multiculturalism legitimized different lifestyles and values systems, thereby legitimizing a moral diversity that "directly contradicts the Biblical concept of moral absolutes on which this nation was founded."

Patrick Buchanan bases his opposition to multiculturalism on White racial nationalism. In one article, "Immigration Reform or Racial Purity?," Buchanan himself was quite clear:

"The burning issue here has almost nothing to do with economics, almost everything to do with race and ethnicity. If British subjects, fleeing a depression, were pouring into this country through Canada, there would be few alarms."

"The central objection to the present flood of illegals is they are not English-speaking white people from Western Europe; they are Spanish-speaking brown and black people from Mexico, Latin America and the Caribbean."

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