Linux guru Raymond accused of 'vulgar Marxism'

Jordan Hayes jmhayes at
Fri Oct 15 07:23:23 PDT 1999

David Jennings wrote:

> I don't know what it means, but Raymond is a gun nut too, as
> evidenced by his so-called writings:

Funny that you don't understand Eric's politics and yet you label him a "gun nut" ("too" ...?) presumably for this kind of writing:

| Nothing most of us will ever do combines the moral weight of
| life-or-death choice with the concrete immediacy of the moment
| as thoroughly as the conscious handling of instruments deliberately
| designed to kill. As such, there are lessons both merciless and
| priceless to be learned from bearing arms -- lessons which are
| not merely instructive to the intellect but transformative of
| one's whole emotional, reflexive, and moral character.

I think you should stick to listing what you don't know.


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