What the heck?

Dennis R Redmond dredmond at OREGON.UOREGON.EDU
Thu Oct 21 16:23:19 PDT 1999

On Thu, 21 Oct 1999, Jordan Hayes wrote:

> Using my Doug Henwood inverse filter, I just bought January OEX
> calls; the January effect this year is gonna be huge, at least 10%
> I'd say, and to paraphrase the Lakota, it's a good day to be long!

But 10% in which dEURection? And, more importantly, *in what cEURrrency*? (*chortle*... *snicker*... *uproarious non-dollar-denominated laughter* HAR HAR HAR). I'm sorry, but I've been laughing all the way to Deutsche Bank and BTM for some time now. Don't worry, investment opportunities still remain at:


-- Dennis

"The Revolution is the ultimate hedge fund strategy." -- Slorg T. Slollopus

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