Help with another abc Q?

elena spectra at
Sat Sep 4 06:35:13 PDT 1999

Why foreign currency and the mark? Besides, wouldn't this lead to increase of the tension b/n Kossovo/the rest of country instead of harmonising things? (Max: no revelations found in the introductory book on economics; rather,this looks like killing them softly with hard currency from an int'l terorist's manual) best wishes & thnx

in Reuters

Kosovo's U.N. administration took two substantial steps toward cementing the province's autonomy Friday, declaring the German mark its currency of choice and starting up a customs service. Both moves distance Kosovo from the Yugoslav state, of which it officially remains a part.

The Yugoslav currency, the dinar, remains legal tender but using it will not be encouraged and all revenue from the customs service will be used in Kosovo, not transferred to Belgrade.

But administration chief Bernard Kouchner, declaring the customs service open at the Hani I Elezit/Djeneral Jankovic border crossing with Macedonia, insisted he was not taking Kosovo down the path to independence.

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