News and notes Sep, 06 A Luta Contínua

Marko Ajdaric marko at
Mon Sep 6 04:07:10 PDT 1999

See at

(Netscapers: if you cannot switch to Explorer, wait until wednesday, when we will be making some new arrangements)

No updates this September 7th, due to (so called) independence day in Brazil

A smuggler's tales from American jails

Comoros Opposition Leader Arrested After Protests

The Pacific Sociological Association

Environment News Service about Brazil ablaze

Turkey's earthquake exposed corruption between builders and politicians

Aspartame Victims Support Group (features e-list)

Labor disputes in Labor Day

Syria Disappointed [what did it expect?] with Mad All Bright

Electronic commerce, according to Granma

Jewish Family's History Testifies to Holocaust Toll

Orgeon: Anarchist convicted for hurling stone at flatfoots

Bolivia: Strike to protest price hikes

Haitians protest treatment by U.S. immigration

UN under siege amidst Dili chaos

UK: Charity warns against GM seeds

The old New Class: Broad Kremlin Corruption Alleged

McDonald's: French protest farmer refuses bail offer

Cuba Asks IOC To End AIBA Corruption

Panama students protest controversial pardon

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