>Gee, is everybody on LBO a Marxist ? Coulda fooled me. I thought
>non-Marxist economics was discussable on this list.
>I'm not even sure that Doug Henwood terms himself a Marxist economist.
I'm not an economist!
As for the Marxist label, my first instinct is to say "depends on who's asking." But if I had to make what the pollsters call a forced choice, yes or no, then yes, unlike Marx, I'm a Marxist.
> He certainly seems to discuss economics from the standpoint of
>Keynes sometimes.
As I've probably said too many times, I think Keynes is the best economist the bourgeoisie has produced in the 20th century, and he has to be taken seriously by anyone considering him-/herself a Marxist, just as Marx himself took Smith and Ricardo very seriously.
>Then Hayek is discussed all the time.
Nothing wrong with that.