what should we do to raise the living standards of poor people?

Fabian Balardini balardini at angelfire.com
Wed Sep 15 07:16:37 PDT 1999


On Wed, 15 Sep 1999 09:50:19 Max Sawicky wrote:
>. . . The government should make laws to fix a minimum wage level in
>accordance with the economic situation of the country and make it clear that
>the wages of all the workers oughtn't to be lower than this level. The
>government should distributes relief fund among the unemployed and
>cripple. Therefore the living standards of poor people will be raised.
>If the government don't want to raise the living standards of poor
>people, we can call it a government of cheaters. Then the government
>has got to raise the living standards of poor people.
>Doh! Of course! Why didn't we think of that!?

You are right!! I knew it sounded familiar, it is Homer here on the LBO list!!!!

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