what should we do to raise the living standards of poor people?

Tom Lehman uswa12 at Lorainccc.edu
Wed Sep 15 08:40:15 PDT 1999

Chang, keep up the good work. I'm all for what you have written below!

Do you translate any of your American e-mail pals into Chinese for your pals in China? Of the Americans who do you like to translate into Chinese?

Has George Washington Plunkitt: Plunkitt of Tammany Hall ever been translated into Chinese?

Tom Lehman

Chang has written:

> . . . The government should make laws to fix a minimum wage level in
> accordance with the economic situation of the country and make it clear that
> the wages of all the workers oughtn't to be lower than this level. The
> government should distributes relief fund among the unemployed and
> cripple. Therefore the living standards of poor people will be raised.
> If the government don't want to raise the living standards of poor
> people, we can call it a government of cheaters. Then the government
> has got to raise the living standards of poor people.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> Doh! Of course! Why didn't we think of that!?
> Homer

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