weeding out criminals

Martin Schiller mart555 at inow.com
Tue Sep 21 17:51:09 PDT 1999

kelley said on 9/21/99 2:53 PM

>why, for ex, conceive of it as a fear of mothering? perhaps women have
>abortions simply because they don't want children and never have. maybe
>they're not the least bit afraid of mothering but chose to do something
>else altogether. maybe she has everything in the world going for
>her--money, prestige, time, etc etc--and simply doesn't want children.
>that's what abortion on demand means--abortion for any reason whatsoever.
>and what did you mean by 'unwilling'? hmmm? why posit it as something
>negative like that. you can see the difference between characterizing
>someone as unwilling to do something as opposed to choosing not do
>something? eh? you wonder why people have assumed sexism here?

I did precisely that after Yoshio's reasoned response to an earlier post indicated that "fear of mothering" pushed a button that generated an unpleasant reaction. Future posts use the expression "willingness" by preference, unless replying to someone's specific use of "fear".


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