weeding out criminals

Martin Schiller mart555 at inow.com
Tue Sep 21 18:14:00 PDT 1999

kelley said on 9/21/99 2:53 PM

> furthermore, if you hadn't grasped, like chaz, what catherine's
>expression, looking for the right questions to ask my answers, means then
>i think if you reflect a bit on what questions you are asking your answers
>you might come to see that absolutely nothing in your discourse is
>self-evident and you might even come to see that you could ask entirely
>different and much more productive questions.

I don't know what the question was that I asked, but it was probably rhetorical. A theory is neither a question or an answer, it is just something looking for reasoned consideration. The only question was whether the issue of abortion could be defined in such a way that it was perceived as a focus point for reducing the overall rates of abortion and at the same time providing unhindered access to abortion.


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