PDS second in Saxony

Johannes Schneider Johannes.Schneider at gmx.net
Wed Sep 22 02:03:29 PDT 1999

Jim wrote:
>Johannes Schneider
> <Johannes.Schneider at gmx.net> writes
> >Jim wrote:
> >> This would be the political party formerly known as the Stasi, would it
> >> Chris? I'm looking forward to seeing you added to the list of
> >> polytechnic lecturers exposed as dupes of Erich Honecker on BBC2's
> >> Spying Game Series.
> >> --
> >> Jim heartfield
> >>
> >Ey, Jim are you looking for a job as in the CDU PR department? I think
> >are going to like the LM crowd over there.
> >Yours red sock
> >Johannes
> >
> I thought that it was the PDS that did the best publicity job for
> Capitalism.
Jim, did I ever say the PDS is an anti-capitalist party? They are just a social-democratic party. Thats what a marxist should criticise. But your attack on Chris came from the other side: Without any evidence you accused him of beeing a police agent. Thats more or less the Uncle Joe school of history.
>What could be a better advertisement for the market than the
> miserable travesty of socialism in East Germany?
I beg to differentiate: The PDS predecessor the SED had 1.7 million members, the PDS today has less than 100.000 members. Though the PDS has its roots in the SED, its a completely different party nowadays. In the East it simply stands for social 'justice'. A lot of youth think the PDS is anticapitalist. So criticise the PDS for what they are today, but leave your reactionary mud sliding.
> May I recommend the Frankfurt based magazine Novo?
For what? For their excellent web-design, or their life style articles? They dont write about the PDS, socialism or an anti-capitalist alternative. Browsing through their webpage one could get the impression Germany is a ecological dictatorship, where cars and electricity are banned and everyone has to do farming. But I can assure you from here I am still allowed to drive my car and use my computer. When I read in Novo about 'totalitäre Gleichschaltung' just because a few apologists of nuclear power have been sacked from a irrelevant state comission, I am doubting the mental state of the Novo author and ask me whether he has learnt anything in his history classes. Thats the style of conspiracy theories the LaRouchians are publishing over here. But anyway, why bother about the copy, when you can have the original. Johannes

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