Australians: or, the last gasp in the divorce proceedings

rc-am rcollins at
Mon Sep 27 10:00:18 PDT 1999

i think some people might have missed the particular sense of deputised here. first, it's delivered as a code for 'if you mess with us, we have powerful friends'. second, it's an empty threat since everyone knows by now if they didn't already that the US does what the US wants, and no friendship exists (WW1, WW2, re indonesia now). third, it was a play to the conservative readership of the Bulletin which for years had as its banner "Australia for the white man" -- ie., it is a comment made as i said before so as not to frighten the chooks into thinking "we are all alone in a sea of darkies". but everyone, including the military establishment, have denounced Howard's comments as racist and foolish, becuase what it does more than anything else at the end of the day is focus attention more strongly on the fact that australia's military and poltical alliances within the region are of more significance than those with the US are. and the military establishment (has and) will prioritise relations with the indonesian army over that of the US. nothing that has happened here (leaving aside the rhetorics for a home audience) entails otherwise. the US has an interest in stable trade routes and a compliant indonesian labour force. if that is obtained by backing a reformist government, the US (has and) will go down that route.

not so with the australian govt. moreover, the fiscal militarisation we are now seeing in australia is not a function of US presence, but of US absence (as well as some internal politics).

lastly, all the rubbish about conscription is just that, rubbish. it's a well-known tactic of govts, especially this one, to flag the most extreme possible scenario so that what it eventually delivers looks reasonable by comparison. those arguing most forcefully against conscription have been the military, for obvious reasons. but they will get a massive boost in funding, and not least because it will justify a further round of austerity for a govt running a huge surplus.

in any event, nothing interesting tends to be said about this stuff gets said when its filtered through the lens of US narcissism. both the australian and indonesian militaries have their eyes on what is happening in indonesia now with things like the security bill and the level of popular acceptance of wiranto/continued military presence in politics. a delicate balancing act, and the only card the indonesian military can play to reassert control is 'anti-western' sentiment. howard did them a favour is all, and nothing he said should be disconnected from that context.

Angela _________

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