Sweatshop Video

Dennis R Redmond dredmond at OREGON.UOREGON.EDU
Tue Sep 28 12:27:54 PDT 1999

> Beth Goldstein wrote:
> > I'm teaching a business ethics course (better me than some Milton Friedman
> > type, right?). I'm looking for a good, one hour video on corporate abuse
> > of human rights (a la Nike, Walt Disney, Exxon). Any suggestions?

One other tip from an untenured radical: the hip students will be pretty open to this sort of stuff. But to really get 'em, run the expose-style narrative, and then step back and show them an ordinary clip of, say, CNBC (anything, the daily market chatter will do) and explain how the real problem isn't just Third Worlders being screwed, it's the *very categories we accept as normal* here in the First World which are deeply and transparently unethical -- the uncritical celebration of Bubble madness, stock price fetishism, the rule of vicious, fickle markets over human beings, the endless flood of oddly pathetic white male biz types geeking out over Intel's latest earning reports. As Benjamin put it, normality in capitalism *is* the catastrophe.

-- Dennis

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