Giving Shiva fits was Re: my report from DC

Lisa & Ian Murray seamus at
Wed Apr 19 15:19:03 PDT 2000

> CBC's Counterspin did a live show from DC on Monday night. I'm told
> by someone who was there that a young Indian woman in the audience
> denounced Vandana Shiva for being "out of touch with the realities of
> modern India," and that Shiva got all "defensive" in return. Would
> love to hear more about this, if anyone was in the audience or saw
> the show.

I was at the show, which almost brought a tear to my eye. I had spent so much time in the past week organizing, networking, socializing, and stressing our over the black bloc and the arrests, that it was during this show that I finally appreciated what we had accomplished this weekend. There at the table, sitting next to Danaher, Shiva, and a woman from the IPS, was Jaggi Singh, who articulated the anarchist position on so many issues so well. I really liked how he responded to Danaher's call for more international "progressive parties."

Yes, Shiva practically lost her temper with the young Indian woman. I've never seen Shiva speak, either in person or on TV, but for most of the show she was this model of Third World wisdom. She got one tough question from another Indian and almost went ballistic.

========= Under a couple of constraints [was she wearing glasses? Did she introduce herself as a grad student at Simon Fraser Univ.?] I'd be willing to bet that the woman in question is Nandita Sharma of the Basmati Action Group; she's pretty good friends with Jaggi and gives one of the best rants on property rights and partriarchy on the planet. I'm trying to dig through my WTO files for a contact # for possible verification


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