At 11:53 AM 4/20/00 -0400, you wrote:
>I don't think you are listening to *me*--you're talking to somebody
>else. I think that the IMF's recommendations for structural changes
>in Korea were mostly wrongheaded. And they have been largely ignored,
>which is a good thing: even if the right reading of Japan since 1985
>is that the East Asian model runs into big trouble when the
>technology gap vis-a-vis the core is no longer large, the East Asian
>model in Korea still has a substantial way to run.
>But--as I said before--to argue that the IMF is imperfect and gets
>things wrong is not an argument that *you* should decide for the
>Koreans to foreclose their option to make use of it...
>Brad DeLong, muttering about a bunch of do-good imperialists...