Zizek: film reviewer

kelley kwalker2 at gte.net
Thu Apr 27 08:03:41 PDT 2000

ken worries

>>By "reading" (there must be a better term for this) the symptoms,

cat replies:
>what's wrong with reading? oh don't answer that, kelley's probably watching
>let's say analysing and be straight about it

hey cat! i've not been reading lbo but when i saw your name, of course, my eyes were drawn to the bottom of the lbo-mbx.

but hold on a sec! is this a ref to my concern of several years ago when i didn't understanding what "reading" meant. i was serious back then??!! snitgrrRlishly so, but quite serious. but thanks to your tuteledge i use the word. perhaps indiscriminately at times even. :)

otoh, i'm the only one neurotic enough to have that kind of memory, so....now i want to know why the idea of me popped up in this context. narcissistic like that, too. heh.

anyway, cat, nice to see you posting again. missed you as always.

glad someone besides me is giving ken hell about zizek.

kelley --- To weave: the present shuttles through a past that would be through an always is through a presently was Weaving: a force-field simultaneity of attractions and repulsions forward-moving-anticipation and back-through-drumming past Woven.


"Things have an eloquence that words lack." --Louise Michel, The Red Virgin: The Memoirs

of Louise Michel

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