Why split Microsoft?

Chris Burford cburford at gn.apc.org
Fri Apr 28 23:49:13 PDT 2000

Anti-monopoly law is a capitalist reformist device. It keeps exploitation going by not allowing the contradiction between the social nature of production and the private ownership of the means of production to become too glaring.

Do progressive people really want Microsoft broken up? Why not require it to publish its source code, like Netscape did?

Below is the result of the first 6,000 unrepresentative votes on CNN's website plus their ridiculously value laden questions, but Microsoft seems to have a fair chance of winning some of the battle for "public opinion".

What do we think is really progressive?

Chris Burford


Should a federal judge split Microsoft into two smaller companies?

Yes, its the only way to curb the software giant's monopoly power 35%

No, the government shouldn't meddle with the marketplace 65%

Created 21:17 EDT Fri Apr 28 almost 6,000 votes by 12:52 am 29 April EDT

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